Selecting your college major is the most daunting task eve because it determines how you will be successful in your later life. A certain field might interest you but it might also have the high unemployment rate or the lowest average salary. For this, you would certainly look for other fields to enter.
Before you select any college major, it is important research well about the field that interests you and about the future predictions of job opportunities and employment rates. There are certain fields like social psychology and administrative positions that have the highest unemployment rate. You should always try to be on safe side and choose a kind of career that will be financially rewarding for you and also offers self-actualization. It is recommended to read research reports and statistics related to employment and average salaries in all the fields you can enter before you make a selection.
The research reports for 2011 shows that engineering degrees offer the highest earning potential and among the top ten list of highest paid positions, engineering majors took most of the positions.
Engineering field offers you a wide range of specific fields you can study and specialize in. the only specialization required to get a decent job in engineering is bachelor's degree. The fields you can study are electronics, electrical, computer hardware, environmental, nuclear, petroleum, and many others.
The salaries for all these engineering fields are different but which ever you pick out from the list, it will still be pretty high as compared to other fields available. Petroleum engineers are the highest paid ones and they earn at least $108,000 per year. Computer hardware engineers get around $95,000 and geological engineers get around $75,000. Even the lowest paid engineer will have a pretty exciting and lucrative salary. If you don't have enough brains to specialize in petroleum engineering, one of the toughest fields, you can master in computer hardware or other easy ones and still secure your future with a highly rewarding career.
Even the starting salaries of these engineering degrees are quite high. The best thing about this field is that you don't have to spend half of your life studying before you can finally earn but you can start earning immediately after you graduate from your college.
The employment opportunities are also quite exciting in this field and there is less competition as compared to other fields since it is not easy to get into an engineering college. You have opportunities to work for private contractors, open your own consulting firm, work for the government or large corporations.
You will be working in a highly competitive environment with an entrepreneurial style.
However, it is not a "too good to be true" phenomena. Engineering degree is not an easy task at all. Before you choose it as your field or major, you will have to have good grades in schools in math and science subject. Also, to get into an engineering university, you will require a high GPA. Without these prerequisites, you cannot even enter the field. And even after entering, its not so easy to pursue engineering degree. It requires a lot of brains, hard work and effort to finally accomplish this challenge and reach your goals. But it is certainly worth it!
To find out more about the various specialties of engineering or search a full list of engineering degree programs you can do so at our free online engineering career guide.